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This project sought to answer what the overlaps between sustainability and equity are within the context of development projects at L.A. Metro. There is transit-oriented affordable housing being developed along the Metro A Line (formerly Blue) in disadvantaged communities. The purpose of this project specifically was to assess the sustainability and equity concerns of the residents in Watts.
Award Year
Approximately 500,000 residents in Los Angeles County live within half-a-mile of an active oil or gas well. Recent epidemiologic studies have suggested possible public health impacts associated with residential proximity to oil and gas development (ODG), and several U.S. studies have also found disproportionate oil and gas-related toxic exposure and health risks among racially and socioeconomically marginalized groups, suggesting environmental justice concerns.
Award Year
Like many cities around the world, Los Angeles is already experiencing the impacts of climate change first hand. In order to align with state and regional climate goals, the city of Los Angeles is taking steps to help residents adapt and become more resilient in the face of these changes, while simultaneously mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through targeted policies, such as building decarbonization.
Award Year