![UCLA climate scientist Aradhna Tripati decries climate change deniers on Jimmy Kimmel Live.](/sites/default/files/media/images/4.2.16_JimmyKimmelAndScientists.jpg)
UCLA climate scientists Aradhna Tripati (department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences) and Alex Hall (department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences) appeared in a recent Jimmy Kimmel Live segment criticizing climate change naysayers. The video has since gone viral, garnering over 800,000 views on YouTube.
Source: Jimmy Kimmel and Scientists on Climate Change Jimmy Kimmel Live, 2 May 2016
Additonal coverage about UCLA climate researchers’ appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live:
Drop the mic, Jimmy Kimmel: Why you should trust scientists on climate change The Washington Post, 3 May 2016
Jimmy Kimmel: Climate Hero Slate, 3 May 2016
Climate scientists on Jimmy Kimmel: ‘We’re not f*cking with you’ Mashable, 3 May 2016
Jimmy Kimmel Rips Apart Sarah Palin’s ‘Offensive and Dangerous’ Climate Change Denial People, 3 May 2016
Jimmy Kimmel Crumbled Sarah Palin’s Climate Change Argument with 1 Simple Question Esquire, 3 May 2016
Why 6 LA scientists went on Jimmy Kimmel to tell you climate change $%&*!#@ exists Press Telegram, 4 May 2016