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Jimmy Kimmel and Scientists on Climate Change

UCLA climate scientist Aradhna Tripati decries climate change deniers on Jimmy Kimmel Live.
UCLA climate scientist Aradhna Tripati decries climate change deniers on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Photo by Jimmy Kimmel Live.

UCLA climate scientists Aradhna Tripati (department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences) and Alex Hall (department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences) appeared in a recent Jimmy Kimmel Live segment criticizing climate change naysayers. The video has since gone viral, garnering over 800,000 views on YouTube.

Source: Jimmy Kimmel and Scientists on Climate Change Jimmy Kimmel Live, 2 May 2016

Additonal coverage about UCLA climate researchers’ appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live:

Drop the mic, Jimmy Kimmel: Why you should trust scientists on climate change The Washington Post, 3 May 2016

Jimmy Kimmel: Climate Hero Slate, 3 May 2016

Climate scientists on Jimmy Kimmel: ‘We’re not f*cking with you’ Mashable, 3 May 2016

Jimmy Kimmel Rips Apart Sarah Palin’s ‘Offensive and Dangerous’ Climate Change Denial People, 3 May 2016

Jimmy Kimmel Crumbled Sarah Palin’s Climate Change Argument with 1 Simple Question Esquire, 3 May 2016

Why 6 LA scientists went on Jimmy Kimmel to tell you climate change $%&*!#@ exists Press Telegram, 4 May 2016