2016 “Better Environment, Better Life” Conference
On Saturday the UCLA Sustainable LA Grand Challenge co-hosted a sustainability conference with the Chinese American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California.
In addition to attracting more than 300 accomplished engineering and science professionals, UCLA Chancellor Gene Block, UC Santa Barbara Chancellor Henry T. Yang and California State Treasurer John Chiang were in attendance. Steven Chu, former United States Secretary of Energy and Nobel Prize winner gave an engaging keynote speech about new findings in climate change prediction, which show that sea levels may rise higher than expected.
The day’s conference sessions highlighted new energy and water technology that will help move Los Angeles towards the Sustainable LA goals of 100% renewable energy and local water and enhanced ecosystem health by 2050.
Professor Alex Hall gave a keynote speech at lunch on the effects that climate change will have on Los Angeles, including increased temperatures and drought conditions.
UCLA Professor Laurent Pilon covered energy efficient buildings and the need to harvest waste heat from buildings. His research topics include microalgae for biofuel production, energy storage technologies and using smart building material to reduce energy consumption in buildings.
UCLA Professor Eric Hoek showed his new technology in waste water treatment, which is key for the Sustainable LA goal of using 100% local water by 2050 – we can only get there if we effectively treat wastewater and use recycled water for agriculture, energy, industry and domestic water demands.
UCLA Professor Yang Yang talked about next generation solar cells and his vision of PV technology becoming inexpensive and easy to install so that PV panels hang like posters from walls and windows, or even become the windows themselves.