- The Sustainable LA Grand Challenge launches with goals of developing the technologies, policies and strategies to transition L.A. County to 100% renewable energy, 100% local water and enhanced ecosystem health by 2050.
- Launches the Undergraduate Research Scholars Program, a unique year-long course that immerses students from any major across campus in problem-solving and critical thinking coursework, and both faculty-mentored and client-driven research activities, to prepare them to be the next generation of urban sustainability problem solvers.
- Wins $100,000 from the Goldhirsh Foundation LA2050 Grants Challenge to jump start the program’s engagement with internal and external stakeholders to create a roadmap for achieving the ambitious energy, water and ecosystem health targets.

- Receives $5 million donation from the Anthony and Jeanne Pritzker Family Foundation to support UCLA research that will advance the Sustainable LA Grand Challenge goals.
- Launches Graduate Fellowship Program to provide students with co-designed applied research and internship experiences with key external partners.
- Releases Five-year Work Plan that establishes a framework for achieving the Sustainable LA Grand Challenge goals through 100-plus research recommendations.
- Awards $1.2 million to 11 UCLA-led projects focused on advancing Los Angeles sustainability during first Sustainable LA Grand Challenge research competition.
- Releases NOW Institute’s L.A.’s Sustainable Future reports, a provocative evaluation and visualization of what a sustainable L.A. might look like.
- Coordinates and convenes UCLA faculty and fellows to serve on expert council and contribute to the development of the first-ever L.A. Biodiversity Index, led by L.A. Sanitation and Environment.
- Hosts Sustainable LA Grand Challenge Fellows Symposium at city hall to engage practitioners and decision makers in application of urban sustainability research outcomes.
- Awards $1 million to 8 UCLA-led urban sustainability projects in second Sustainable LA Grand Challenge research competition.
- Creates the L.A. Sustainability Leadership Council co-chaired by L.A. Mayor Garcetti and UCLA Chancellor Block to strengthen the partnership with the city and other regional leaders in sustainability.

- Releases L.A. County Energy and Air Quality report card to evaluate historical trends and progress toward achieving regional sustainability targets.
- Hosts the first Sustainable LA Grand Challenge Research Symposium showcasing more than 30, cross-discipline, L.A.-centric research projects.
- Hosts the Water Research Symposium focusing on research and efforts to transition Los Angeles toward 100% local water by 2050 through innovative technologies, policies and strategies.
- Launches the Sustainable LA Grand Challenge Research Portal as a hub for 45-plus L.A.-focused sustainability projects from UCLA faculty and students.
- Accepts sustainability innovations best practice award in the 14th annual Higher Education Energy Efficiency and Sustainability competition — a part of the 2018 California Higher Education Sustainability Conference.
- Establishes $5 million agreement with L.A. Department of Water & Power to co-develop and fund water and energy research benefiting utility customers
- Hosts the Energy Research Symposium focusing on the goal of achieving 100% renewable energy through cutting-edge and interdisciplinary science, technology, and policy research at UCLA.
- Co-hosts the Future L.A.: Engineering a Sustainable Supercity series with the Hammer Museum bringing together community voices, leading experts and scholars in conversations on regional sustainability efforts and the critical role everyone plays in realizing that future.
- Contributes research and expertise to L.A. City’s updated sustainability plan branded L.A.’s Green New Deal.
- Establishes the Sustainable LA Grand Challenge Deans Advisory Council with senior leadership from across campus.
- Secures $12 million for UC-wide CA Conservation Genomics Project for research to protect the state’s biodiversity in a changing climate.
- Wins contract to co-develop first-ever Los Angeles County sustainability plan, OurCounty, unanimously approved by the Board of Supervisors.
- Releases L.A. County Water report card to evaluate historical trends and progress toward achieving regional sustainability targets.
- Hosts the Los Angeles County Natural and Urban Ecosystems Symposium spotlighting research, management, and community engagement projects aimed at enhancing Los Angeles’ natural and urban ecosystems
- Hosts the Water Research Symposium focusing on research and efforts to transition Los Angeles toward 100% local water by 2050 through innovative technologies, policies and strategies.
- Names Professor Eric Hoek as new Faculty Director and expands scope to include transportation, while clearly defining cross-cutting themes such as equity, access and justice and alignment with OurCounty sustainability plan.
- Establishes the Sustainable LA Grand Challenge Faculty Advisory Cabinet made up of more than 20 faculty leaders in sustainability-related centers and institutes from across campus.
- Conducts Sandpit 2020 competition that engages over 60 faculty from 27 departments and 28 regional stakeholders in formation of eight multidisciplinary projects that address L.A. city and county sustainability challenges. $956,000 is awarded to Heat Resilient L.A. project, with seed funding awarded to the other seven teams.
- Releases L.A. County Ecosystem Health report card to evaluate historical trends and progress toward achieving regional sustainability targets, while providing data-driven recommendations for policy- and decision-makers to accelerate the region’s advancement.
- Hosts A Conversation on Los Angeles Wildlife Corridors to engage Los Angeles community regarding Wildlife Corridors and proposed city ordinance.
- Member of Cool City Challenge moonshot team together with the City of L.A. and other regional stakeholders that wins $1 million to build block-level climate resiliency capacity in neighborhoods throughout L.A. with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030.