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Historic Timeline


  • The Sustainable LA Grand Challenge launches with goals of developing the technologies, policies and strategies to transition L.A. County to 100% renewable energy, 100% local water and enhanced ecosystem health by 2050.





  • Launches the Undergraduate Research Scholars Program, a unique year-long course that immerses students from any major across campus in problem-solving and critical thinking coursework, and both faculty-mentored and client-driven research activities, to prepare them to be the next generation of urban sustainability problem solvers.
  • Wins $100,000 from the Goldhirsh Foundation LA2050 Grants Challenge to jump start the program’s engagement with internal and external stakeholders to create a roadmap for achieving the ambitious energy, water and ecosystem health targets.



LA 2050





  • Launches Graduate Fellowship Program to provide students with co-designed applied research and internship experiences with key external partners.
  • Releases Five-year Work Plan that establishes a framework for achieving the Sustainable LA Grand Challenge goals through 100-plus research recommendations.

    Five Year Work Plan Cover





  • Coordinates and convenes UCLA faculty and fellows to serve on expert council and contribute to the development of the first-ever L.A. Biodiversity Index, led by L.A. Sanitation and Environment.
  • Hosts Sustainable LA Grand Challenge Fellows Symposium at city hall to engage practitioners and decision makers in application of urban sustainability research outcomes.





Sustainability Leadership Council



  • Hosts the first Sustainable LA Grand Challenge Research Symposium showcasing more than 30, cross-discipline, L.A.-centric research projects.
  • Hosts the Water Research Symposium focusing on research and efforts to transition Los Angeles toward 100% local water by 2050 through innovative technologies, policies and strategies.





  • Launches the Sustainable LA Grand Challenge Research Portal as a hub for 45-plus L.A.-focused sustainability projects from UCLA faculty and students.
  • Accepts sustainability innovations best practice award in the 14th annual Higher Education Energy Efficiency and Sustainability competition — a part of the 2018 California Higher Education Sustainability Conference.

    UCLA Staffers at conference







  • Contributes research and expertise to L.A. City’s updated sustainability plan branded L.A.’s Green New Deal

    LA Green New Deals Goals





  • Releases L.A. County Water report card to evaluate historical trends and progress toward achieving regional sustainability targets.
  • Hosts the Los Angeles County Natural and Urban Ecosystems Symposium spotlighting research, management, and community engagement projects aimed at enhancing Los Angeles’ natural and urban ecosystems
  • Hosts the Water Research Symposium focusing on research and efforts to transition Los Angeles toward 100% local water by 2050 through innovative technologies, policies and strategies.





  • Names Professor Eric Hoek as new Faculty Director and expands scope to include transportation, while clearly defining cross-cutting themes such as equity, access and justice and alignment with OurCounty sustainability plan.
  • Establishes the Sustainable LA Grand Challenge Faculty Advisory Cabinet made up of more than 20 faculty leaders in sustainability-related centers and institutes from across campus.
  • Conducts Sandpit 2020 competition that engages over 60 faculty from 27 departments and 28 regional stakeholders in formation of eight multidisciplinary projects that address L.A. city and county sustainability challenges. $956,000 is awarded to Heat Resilient L.A. project, with seed funding awarded to the other seven teams.

    Sandpit 2020 Heat Resilient Presentation





  • Releases L.A. County Ecosystem Health report card to evaluate historical trends and progress toward achieving regional sustainability targets, while providing data-driven recommendations for policy- and decision-makers to accelerate the region’s advancement.
  • Hosts A Conversation on Los Angeles Wildlife Corridors to engage Los Angeles community regarding Wildlife Corridors and proposed city ordinance.
  • Member of Cool City Challenge moonshot team together with the City of L.A. and other regional stakeholders that wins $1 million to build block-level climate resiliency capacity in neighborhoods throughout L.A. with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030.
Cool City Challenge Logo for Los Angeles